Key features include:
- Flicker measurements to IEC61000-4-15: Instantaneous
Flicker Sensation, Short Term and Long Term Flicker Perceptibility.
- Patented Single Cycle Adaptive Storage recording process
provides extremely high resolution over long recording periods.
- Measures current between 0 and 1,000 Amps and voltage between
0 and 480 Volts on single phase, two phase and three phase power
- Records and displays up to 16 channels of voltage, current,
power, power factor, VARs, phase angle, frequency, THD, and
much more.
- Comprehensive range of math functions give excellent data
- Data is retrieved with ease via bluetooth or an RS232 serial
- Graphical touchscreen interface provides straightforward,
user-friendly operation.
- Comes with Pronto for Windows software, one of the most
highly regarded data recovery and analysis packages available.